Robert Kelly’s Blog

Archive for November 2010

 Send your comments recomendations for websites to Mr.  Kelly here

The film Dustbin Baby is being shown in Year 8 lessons. It is a story of a girl who was rejected by her mother. She is found in a dustbin. Then adopted by a lady. Sadly that lady  could not cope. Then April is sent to lots of foster homes. There she is treated badly. finally adopted by a lady called Marion. In the end April confronts her past. She meets the man who found her. She makes up with Marion and feels loved.

Do you think that if it was a boy who was rejected it would be a similar story?

You can post your thoughts and views on the film dustbin baby to Mr. Kelly here.

Here you can email Mr. Kelly on your ideas for an Anti Bullying Campaign.

First of all visit website .

 Then log on year 7. There you will find the section on bullying. Look at some of the resources. Find some of your own resporces about bullying. Then post them here . If all the members of your class post a comment and some good ideas about bullying then they will all get a small reward.

1.Your views on bullying

2.  Any ideas for a Campaign.

3.  How do we educate and stop people from Bullying

  • None
  • Martha: What do you mean by cookbook? I have some printed out flags and a map
  • Harry Thomas: Me, Dan H and Cameron C are creating food from the Indian culture.
  • Jacob Ranger: Hi this is Jacob Ranger, and we are doing Italy because it's a great country with many different flavours. Our group name is Bellisimo and we will inc