Robert Kelly’s Blog

Help Save The Memorial Garden at Ashlawn School

Posted on: March 25, 2011


 If you would like to donate a  plant in memory of someone you loved

 then we think this would be a  great idea. Send your ideas to this blog.

So far we have had a lot of people offering their support. Thank you to everyone for their response.

Thank you to everyone for helping to raise money for the Sponsored Walk.

These are pictures of the making of the Memorial garden in 2007.

 We created a garden to have something beautiful and interesting to share with others. The garden was designed to be a place to reflect on those who had died and remember them.

Please can we have your support to help maintain the memorial garden. I believe it is worth saving and showing the community what can be achieved.

If we all could  support this venture I think we will succeed.

We should explain to  everyone why the garden was made, what the vision for the garden was and how we can make it happen. We need to raise money to replant the garden.

  There must be a campaign to save it.

 If you feel strongly that you can support this garden and can offer your help then

 Please send your comments and ideas and

 for fundraising to me on  mr. Kelly’s blog.


 Please tell us your name & what year you are in.


So far we have had a great response to the idea and many people want to help.

We will need to raise some money to create a beautiful garden.

This blog is where you can find out more about what is happening to our plans for the garden. So come back and we can keep you updated.

Mr. Kelly needs some upper school volunteers to help him with the lower school students. Please offer your help here.

 We need a design for a sign that explains the garden

We  need a team to help fundraise

We need a team of  students to help replant the garden

We need to get plants for the garden



45 Responses to "Help Save The Memorial Garden at Ashlawn School"

I am going to raise money to go towards the garden by writing stories and selling them for maybe………….50p each? I was only planning on writing short 1-2 page ones but i could maybe write larger ones and sell them for £1-£1.50. I will put up a poster or board next to the sale explaining about the garden and where the raised money will go.

Congratulations, You are the first person to reply on the blog. What will your stories be about? Mr. Kelly

Hi Mr Kelly I was thinking to help save the memorial garden we could get in touch with other schools nearby. for example: English Martyrs primary school and get them involved. My mum works at english martyrs and i could ask her if you like.

Can you explain why they would want to help? Mr. Kelly

i have come up with a few ideas to make money for the momorial garden and to get a head stone for Shaun,
1. a cake sale selling cakes at 50p each.
2. visit Shaun’s old school and do a cake sale there where they miss him.
3. do the biggest sponcered “colage” where everyone who wants to writes something they like about Shaun and then we glue them all on to a big peace of paper around a big pic of Shaun.
or we could do all of them

Hmm…. But maybe… I know it sounds harsh but the same thing has happened in Ashlawn, everyone in Shaun’s school who knew him (Excluding teachers) will have most likely left. So if you were to do a cake sale at that school which I think is a great idea.. Maybe organize a Powerpoint Presentation Just to explain what happened and how he was a pupil of their school!! George 🙂

Could Georgia Thomas and I wash cars for money to help fund the Memorial Garden for £3.50 a car round our neighborhood we could gather up some other students as well.

Sorry I didn’t post sooner!! I wasn’t feeling too good on monday! Anyway, to publicise this event I am going to make a movie about the memorial garden and explain it, I am hopeful that this will then go onto Ashlawn Tv for the whole school to see.

For fundraising some cake sales would be good and I know that Lucy and some of her friends are doing that, and 1/3 of the money raised by the upcoming event will go towards improving the garden!
I urge anybody who sees this comment to take it seriously. It’s not fair that this has happened over the years and I believe that as a school we are responsible to fix what has been done. Anybody who reads this, tell everybody you know in school. Make it public! We all need to play our part! As an idea of where to get plants. I would strongly recommend either Blooms or Barby Nurseries
These are links to the websites for access to contact details. Also try and donate plants!!

Mr. Kelly i am going to try and make 150 of those good luck birds and bring them in, i will do it

Its just a bit harder then when Nina did it 😦


i would, but, i am too lazy, i couldnt do that much excersize :/

YEAH JACK, COUNT ME IN – Mr kelly i wanna be a gardener

jack let me do it

Ella and I are doing the sign for the garden and we asked our d.t teacher if he can help and he said yes so after we have planned the sign every at lunch we are going to help create it also i am helping fundraise with lucy and others doing a cake sale on Friday 8th April!

coool! ill help make cakes?x

Hey Jack i’ll cycle round Draycote as well and i’ll also help sell any cakes we get to raise money 🙂

YAY! 😀

I will to! even though i hardly know you! 😀

8 comments! I’ve told everyone in our year that I know online so hopefully lots more comments soon! And jack thats an awesome idea.. gonna get sponsors?

i think i would like to help, but i am not sure how i will do it yet.

Heeeey, Me Tasha Livi Geo and Cerys were thinking about doing a run from school to asda and back? or maybe doing a cake sale but i think that everyone would do that, but we thought we could sell one of them bird thingys with a cake,x

Such a Brilliant cause deserves some attention! I know for a fact that the Ashlawn TV Team is making an advert of some description to go on the TV Screens, so hopefully this will raise some awareness. I’m going to have a look in to any potential sponsorships that we could gain.

Keep Up the good work!
Sam Dedman (Year 10)

Yay! Year 10’s (Big People)

Oh.. Is something already going up with the Ashlawn TV Team then? If so then do I need to bother with making a video?

Dear George, Yes we need the video, Come and see me. Yours Mr. Kelly

Definitely going to help with this – such a good cause! ^-^
(Year 10)

As I said earlier after the Year 10 assembly, I would happily write an article for the school newsletter making sure more people will know about the garden. I am also willing to supervise the lower school children when the project goes ahead later on.

i would love to help, i would love help assist the younger years in such a good cause. I’ll do anything really!
If theres any posters, videos or anything that needs making i’ll be willing to do it too! ^_^

Ellen Wilkinson
(Year 10)

I would love to help rebuild the Memorial Garden.
Sounds great and I would like to be involved. 🙂
I will also help with supervising the younger children, because I am a student support leader. 🙂

Eleanor Murphy
(Year 10)
I need your help for this Friday. I know you are busy on Thursday afternoons. Mr. Kelly

OH! and i will have a think and see what designs i can make like you said about the stones being more artistic.
I think we should paint the boat and give it a name, and plant lots of brightly coloured flowers in it 🙂

I want to help. 😀
Chantiece Bates.
Year 10.

i will help 😀

i’ll help! (:

i will be a great gardner and i will see if i can do some cycleing with jack

i have justes made a vidio for you would you like me to show you to morow
That would be great. Mr Kelly

hi mr kelly im making changes to the vidio and i need to know the names of the people that died.

its ok i dont need to know now i found the names.

maybe we could get diffrent classes to come up with ideas for the garden and have a few sales to gain money.

Hiya, Mr Kelly.
Mrs Grover and i was think we could buy a plant for her dad and my dad to go in the memorial garden, we both are willing to help! We just need some more information about it. I think its a great idea to do a memorial garden to remember the people who have died who have been at Ashlawn school in the past 10 years. Like i said, i am very happy to help the P.S.H.E department!:)

Harry Sheasby
That is great Harry. We are in the early stages of planning the garden. So if yiu both would like to donate a plant that would be great. Yours Mr. Kelly
Year 8

I have an idea for fundraising how about a non-uniform day and every one has to bring in a £1. Also I am willing to help out any way I can.


Hi Mr Kelly,

I have been doing a bit of work/chores that home to go towards the garden this holiday and will help out anytime i can with the rebuliding.

Ben Woolman
Year 8

I think that Eleanor idea is good , as we could do any sort of fundraising activity such as a bad hair day or something.

I think eleanor idea is good!

im going to help with the memorial garden and was thinking for flowers and plants it’s quite easy to search for vouchers for B&Q and stuff so i could do that too, as with a bit of fundraising it’s quite easy to pay for them…. also we could all do a sponsered something, like a run or bike. it doesn’t have to be hard to organise as we could just run around the field or something as simple as that!!! we could also organise something that parents could help out with: such as at a weekend go in to town and sell cakes or do a competition where people have to pay to enter!!!

ive been helping in the garden and so far so good, next week we will be moving the boat and then planting plants!!!!! thankyou to every one who has helped us out!

so far the garden looks great. we will have to have a big spruce up to brighten the garden up in the summer but it looks better than it was. it’s so great that this is happening because my friends cousin was a member of ashlawn and sadly got taken from us on her wasy home from school. so i’m so happy at how well it has been looked after.
thank you . 🙂

Thank you Chloe. Sadly we had some damage a few weeks ago and the boat was damaged but hopefully we can do some more in the summer.

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